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The 1812 Project
Early Surnames
for Lehigh County, PA

By: Charles F. Kerchner, Jr., P.E. (Retired)
1812 Project Creator and Webmaster

Please report non-working links. Thank you.

The surname list pages use tables.

[Rainbow Line]


Genealogy is my hobby. The purpose of this online genealogical project is to establish an Internet-based resource to register early Lehigh County surnames and researchers of the same. The effort is called The 1812 Project because 1812 is the year Lehigh County was formed out of Northampton County. The goal is to create synergy by registering researchers of early Lehigh County surnames and by providing email links to those online researchers. The researcher can be located anywhere in the world. The basic requirement is that the person be researching and/or be somewhat knowledgeable about an early surname for the Lehigh County area, and is willing to adopt the surname and assist other researchers of the surname. It is limited to surnames which were reported in use in what is now Lehigh County, in or before 1812, which was when the county was formed out of Northampton County. If you have information to support the fact that your ancestors, or family surnames which you research, were found in what is now Lehigh County, during this early time period, and you are willing to share and help other researchers, you may adopt the surname(s).

To adopt/register for surname(s) and/or submit new surname(s), use the Register/Adopt - Submit Form form link provided below. Please provide the surname, township or town wherein the surname was found, applicable reference source, your name, your e-mail address, and a home page address if you have one. New surnames are being added regularly. More than one person can register for the same surname. If you do not see your surname of interest, submit it with the evidence. You can unadopt/unregister for a surname at anytime by sending me the same form with appropriate message. You should expect one or two email queries per month for each surname you adopt. You are not obligated to do research for anyone, just to try and help them a little and steer them in the right direction. Who knows you may find a distant cousin with lots of tidbits to share. I did. Come on, join the team. It is easy and fun, try it.

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I am sorry but, except for the specific surnames which I have personally adopted in these lists, I do not have time to assist you with research of your personal genealogy. I maintain this page to help people find others interested in the Lehigh County, PA, surnames they are researching. I do this as a hobby and am busy enough maintaining this and other pages and doing research on my own family names. So please don't ask me about names which I have not personally adopted. If a contact person is not listed for your surname of interest, and you wish further information on that name, please contact a fee-for-services researcher affiliated with the Lehigh County Historical Society Trexler Library

This page is not a general purpose name search query page. Queries of the "searching for ..." type should be posted using the Lehigh County PA Message and Query Board. In addition, a link to the Lehigh County PA GenWeb Home Page and other helpful pages is provided below.

You don't have to be an expert to volunteer. If a contact name is not provided for the surname of interest, and you know the name was used in Lehigh County prior to 1812, and you have some knowledge about the surname, why not consider volunteering for that name yourself and others will then contact you to share information. For this project to be successful we need the help of as many sharing people as possible. If we all do a little by helping out, submitting a new name, adopting a name or two, and sharing our knowledge, then as a group we will all accomplish a lot with this project.

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Early Surnames Tables, Lehigh County PA

Select a table

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Register/Adopt a Surname or Submit a New Surname
Please read the mission statement and procedures at beginning
of this page prior to submitting a surname. Thank you.

Help us maintain the quality of this web page by immediately reporting
to the 1812 Project Page Coordinator any invalid, non-working, or non-responsive
'contact person' links listed in the surname tables.

1812 Project Coordinator: Charles F. Kerchner
(Have you read the project's mission statement above?)
Tips & Tricks For The Beginner - Genealogy 101
PA Dutch Are Of German Heritage, Not Dutch
18th Century PA German Naming Customs
18th Century PA German Nicknames
18th Century PA German Name Spelling Idiosyncrasies
Kerchner Genealogy Home Page
Lehigh County Historical Society

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Get organized right from the start by using a modern,
easy to use, genealogy computer software package.
I personally use and highly recommend Ancestral Quest.

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Copyright ©1996-2023
Charles F. Kerchner, Jr., P.E. (Retired)
All Rights Reserved
Created - 13 Nov 1996
Revised - 09 Jul 2023