Please Fill In The Requested Information

Only one surname per request form please.
This limit of one surname per form helps the webmaster in processing registrations.
Use this form as many times as required to register/adopt/submit surnames of expertise.
Please keep us informed of any future changes in your email or website address.

This is NOT a query page. Do NOT use this form to post queries.
If uncertain, please re-read the 1812 Project rules.
For queries, use the following site to post a query for Lehigh Co PA.
Lehigh County PA Message and Query Board

Your name, the contact name:

Your email address. Provide us a stable, long-term e-mail address. Please notify us if this changes in the future.
Please enter your email address:

Please enter the title or name of your home page, if you have one:

Your personal home page URL address, if you have one. Please enter complete http address:

Your postal address for the use of the webmaster to contact you if I have any problems with the email address submitted. Typos do occur. Please enter - Street Address, Town, State, Zip, and Country, if not USA:

Surname you wish to register/adopt/submit. Only one surname per form:

Lehigh County municipality, township or town in county were name was found:

Reference source. Please give most solid reference with the earliest
year the name was found in Lehigh County with the source document name,
and page number if possible:

Comments and/or additional information about your pre-1812 Lehigh Co surname:
(Please, do not try to post queries here. This is not a query posting site.)

Validation keyword: All entries are pre-screened prior to acceptance for posting.
Also, to help block guest book automated spam bots you must type in the following 17 letter validation
key phrase shown in quotes but without the dashes and no spaces: "spam---will--be--deleted".

Please click the Submit Button below only once and then wait for the server to respond. Repeatedly clicking the Submit Button results in the form data being submitted several times which fills up my In Box with duplicate data. On days when the Internet is really busy it could take the server up to a minute to respond. So please be patient. Thank you.

the form information fields.

the form information fields.

Copyright ©1996-2007
Charles F. Kerchner, Jr., P.E.
All Rights Reserved
Created - 13 Nov 1996
Revised - 26 Feb 2007