Dillingersville School
Annual Quakertown Christian School Visit

Every May, 4th graders from Quakertown Christian School experience school for three days as our forefathers did. Mrs. Freed is their teacher. Here are some pictures of 24 students who enjoyed their time at the schoolhouse in 2004.

If other schools would like to schedule a visit, field trip, and/or teaching session in our historic one-room school house, please contact us to make arrangements. We would be glad to have you visit. Your students would enjoy it too.

The class in 2004 arrived by modern transportation.
Some of the modern students dressed in clothing of old.
Our forefathers who attended school here many years ago usually walked to school.
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Each day a different child rang the school bell to start school or bring the children in from recess.
This day Tony is shown ringing the bell.
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Mrs. Freed calls the class to order.
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Each child presented a project he or she prepared.
Kyle shows and tells the message he wrote with Native American symbols.
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Tony shows and talks about the bow he made (with the help of his father).
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Tony demonstrates that the bow really works.
But he's not quite ready to provide his own supper.
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Mark Bolton takes the class outside for a demonstration on early American hunting skills.
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Fire was needed by the hunter to keep him warm at night and to cook his food.
They used to start their fires with flint and the waste product from making linen called flax tow.
And a few boys got to try their skills at fire making and succeeded.
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Hunters of old used muzzleloader rifles.
Here the students help load the muzzleloader starting with black powder from the horn.
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Eric starts the ball down the barrel of the rifle.
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At the end of the hunting demonstration Justin, Jordan, and Kyle ask more questions.
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Now it's recess time. You don't need playground equipment when you have a tree to climb.
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Mrs. Freed is helping the boys with a game Eric made for his Colonial project. QCS Visit Pic 13

Back in the schoolhouse, even the boys learned "counted cross-stitch". Joshua's father is watching.
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Mrs. Freed shows her name cross-stitched by one of the students.
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Mr. Ivan Belac, who is a blind potter, helped each child make a bowl on his wheel.
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In olden times, if you didn't study and do your homework you might be placed on the dunce stool in the corner.
Here Tony plays the role of the class dunce.
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At the end of the third day the class went into the creek to make a dam and take it apart again when done.
Everyone was wet, dirty, and very happy.
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Quakertown Christian School visit photos and captions provided by Ruth Bolton.

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Copyright © 2004
Dillingersville School
Union School and Church Association
All Rights Reserved
Webpage Created: 12 Sep 2004
Last Revision: 15 Apr 2004